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Loving God and Loving Others Fearlessly
ESL Program
The ESL program at CCF serves our local area, teaching English language skills to all nations. Classes are taught by a group of volunteers who are passionate about what they are doing.
All classes are FREE. God’s love is expressed by the care that is given to each student as they are learning. Childcare is also provided during class sessions in the form of Homework Club.
Mondays & Thursdays| 6:30-8pm
Fall Session
Sept 9 - Nov 21 (2019)
Winter Session
Jan 6 - April 6 (2020)
Spring Break (no classes)
April 9 - April 13 (2020)
Spring Session
April 16 - May 21 (2020)
Homework Club
Homework Club runs in tandem with ESL Classes on Monday & Thursday nights to provide children with a safe place to get help with their studies.
Bilingual Bible Study
Saturdays 6pm | Justice Library
A Bilingual Bible Study meets every Saturday at 6pm the in the Justice Conference Room. This is open to people of all ethnicities & cultures to come and learn about the Word of God together, walking together in community & faith.
Translation Ministry
Cornerstone Christian Fellowship fully supports the Open Door team’s heart for all to hear and receivethe Gospel. The church has invested in translation equipment and every Sunday the worship & sermon are translated into Spanish through headsets to those who wish to use them.
Other Resources
The Justice Library is equipped with three computers. One computer has the Rosetta Stone software for users to learn Spanish as a Second Language and one computer is completely in Spanish and has the Rosetta Stone software for users to learn English as a Second Language. The Library is open during church office hours, Monday-Friday, 8am-12pm & can be used at your convenience. It is also equipped with a large selection of books on justice.
Sandy Koechig
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