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Loving God and Loving Others Fearlessly
We believe we are called to have abundant mindsets, to be generous and to give out of a heart of gratitude for the extravagant and sacrificial gift of God to us through Jesus.
Thank you for faithfully giving and thank you in advance for a continued partnership in the mission/vision of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship.

Give today or set up recurring giving
Giving made easy!
to 73256 to give now!
Your security is a top priority to us. That's why we
partner with Realm for secure giving, a level 1
certified PCI-DSS compliant provider.
Funds will be used toward
the following projects:
HVAC maintenance in preparation for the winter
Trimming of large tree in the parking lot
Snow removal for the winter
Re-setting of the Great Room, 4 classrooms and 1 office (re-painting all walls & ceilings)
New carpet for the Great Room
New lightbulbs for the gym (5 are currently out)
Training for volunteers
Closing the gap on the current deficit in our budget
Other ways to give
We truly appreciate your generous giving and want to make it as easy as possible for you to send in tithes and offerings. In addition to the secure online ways to give above, here are a few other ways you can give:
Cash, Check or Money Order
Make payable to
"Cornerstone Christian Fellowship"
Drop in weekly offering or mail to:
Cornerstone Christian Fellowship
426 W. Gay St.
West Chester, PA 19380
Bill Pay/ACH
You can set up your tithes and offerings to be sent straight from your bank account. Any online banking system has this option. Simply inquire of your bank of how to set this up or call the church office at 610-430-2508.
For any questions regarding finances or giving, please contact the CCF Finance Team

Matt Kistler
Finance Team
Debbie Avila
Finance Team
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