How long Lord till you clear our temples?
The towering buildings, old and new
Housing the manipulative, the abusive, the selfish.
How long will your name be used like a charm by the angry, by those looking for their own gain?
How long will people recoil when we say we are yours, because of the evil done in your name?
Lord- we want nothing to do with the false god they call “jesus”
We spit on the festering graves they call “the church”
We turn our backs on the book of lies they’ve written and call your word
Lord- your love for us never fails, it never never fails.
Whenever we get a glimpse of the true you, we recognize how your name has been degraded and abused.
Forgive us lord. We have lost it.
Build us into a true mirror- reflecting every facet of your identity in all our diversity with no filters
May our worship be a sweet reminder of what you are really like and center us back on you.
God our God, you are the way, and we don’t want to get lost again. Come save us, for we only find life in you.