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Loving God and Loving Others Fearlessly
Brian Chilcote
Jun 1, 202424 min read
Jesus Under Construction: The Theological Christ
Are the "Christ of faith" and the "Jesus of history" in conflict? Answers vary, as expected.
Brian Chilcote
Mar 1, 202412 min read
Is The Bible True?
Coffee Shop, Sunday afternoon. Behind their favorite hot brewed beverages sit two people just like you and me. One of the two is...
Brian Chilcote
Apr 13, 202311 min read
Genocidal Joshua?
What about the bothersome parts of the Bible that depict God telling people to kill other people? How did these scenes make it into our...
Brian Chilcote
Mar 21, 20239 min read
Can I get Your Autograph?
Thoughts on the Authorship of Scripture We cannot be dependent on the “original autographs,” not only because we do not have them, but...
Brian Chilcote
Mar 16, 20237 min read
They Told Stories About Him
"… Jesus was the kind of extraordinary person who inspired people so profoundly that they told stories about him. As they did, they...
Brian Chilcote
Dec 20, 202223 min read
What's so Apocalyptic about the Gospel?
There's more than one way to see the Good News. Ever heard of an exophytic complex cyst adjacent to the splenic dome? Unless you're a...
Brian Chilcote
Nov 1, 20229 min read
More Colors on the Hermeneutical Spectrum
Here we finish off our series on some of the different flavors of hermeneutics with a brief survey of three more major schools of...
Brian Chilcote
Oct 27, 20227 min read
Based on a True Story! Hermeneutics Part 5
Like most things involving human communication, the spectrum of hermeneutic lenses is a complex and fascinating subject. As we have seen...
Brian Chilcote
Oct 25, 20226 min read
Unwritten Rules and the Bible- Hermeneutics 4
Don't expect your meeting at a Venezuelan coffee shop to start on time. It's rude to expect anything less than 15 minutes past the...
Brian Chilcote
Oct 20, 20226 min read
Wellhausen's Big Idea
The Great Isaiah Scroll, part of the collection of documents discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls trove is 23 feet long and contains 54...
Brian Chilcote
Oct 14, 20227 min read
Two More Hermeneutics
"On this home by Horror haunted—tell me truly, I implore— Is there—is there balm in Gilead?—tell me—tell me, I implore!” Quoth the Raven...
Brian Chilcote
Oct 11, 20227 min read
Herman Who? An Introduction to Hermeneutics
Hermeneutics is a ten-dollar word that describes how we derive meaning from texts. Rendering thoughts into language, recording and...
Brian Chilcote
Oct 3, 20227 min read
The Trouble with Assumptions
Assumptions aren't all bad. Of course, they sometimes draw their energy from unfair stereotypes or unexamined beliefs we unconsciously...
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