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Loving God and Loving Others Fearlessly
Brian Chilcote
6 days ago18 min read
Authors and Authority
Did Bible authors sign their names to their work? No? Then how do we know who wrote what?
Brian Chilcote
Jun 30, 202313 min read
Bible Things That Make You Go, "Huh?"
"What is it?" Whether it's Superman, a UFO or a strange sea creature, inquiring humans want to know. We make our best guesses: A bird? A...
Brian Chilcote
Mar 21, 20239 min read
Can I get Your Autograph?
Thoughts on the Authorship of Scripture We cannot be dependent on the “original autographs,” not only because we do not have them, but...
Brian Chilcote
Mar 2, 202313 min read
Interrogating Biblical Inspiration
"We contend that viewing the inspiration of Scripture solely from the cognitive environment of print culture opens the door to...
Brian Chilcote
Nov 14, 20223 min read
Where to Begin? Books and Podcasts you Should Know
There once was a book called the Bible But some people labeled it libel "Why?" you may ask It was taken to task For promoting a God who's...
Brian Chilcote
Oct 27, 20227 min read
Based on a True Story! Hermeneutics Part 5
Like most things involving human communication, the spectrum of hermeneutic lenses is a complex and fascinating subject. As we have seen...
Brian Chilcote
Oct 3, 20227 min read
The Trouble with Assumptions
Assumptions aren't all bad. Of course, they sometimes draw their energy from unfair stereotypes or unexamined beliefs we unconsciously...
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